Tommeka Semien

Celebrate Good Friends

Tommeka Semien
Celebrate Good Friends

Life happens.  And when it does, your friends are right there with you.  They will show you support through the good, bad and ugly.  They will have your back when you are dead wrong.  They will hold your head above water when you are sinking.  Friends will love you when they don't like you.  And you'll do the same in return.

I love my friends.  From childhood to adulthood, they hold a special place in my heart.  

Elementary...  My best friend from elementary school had the sweetest eyes and a warm smile. She made me feel safe at a new school.  She also introduced me to Tostino's pizza.  I learned early on that the combination flavor is the best and that everyone deserves their own entire pizza.

Middle School...  was the pits (bygones)...  I spent the better part of my preteen years with the same twenty or so kids.  As we went our separate ways, we blossomed into adulthood and crept into middle age.  I swell with pride everytime I see what everyone has accomplished since eigth grade. 

High School...  Thank goodness for cheerleaders.  On my first day of public school, I was terrified.  I walked into the school and stood behind giant doors watching hundreds of kids pour into the halls.  My cheer friends found me, and amid roars of laughter, walked me off to find my classes.  I credit my high school bestie and her mom for teaching me how to use a curling iron. 

College...   TLC said it best, "It's all about your friends."  When I went off to college, I expected to earn a degree.  I was hoping to find people to hang out with.  What I got instead was so much more. That first year of college, I was introduced to a small group of students for whom I continue to have immense love in my heart.  They were my first grown up friends.  We partied, studied, complained, argued and overshared, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  #WolfPack 

Work Friends...  As my friends from other phases of life moved on to new places and experiences, I entered the world of work.  I love my job and I love my work friends.  We have been through so much together.  Babies, weddings, funerals, divorces, sickness and health are all a part of the work friend package.  When you spend 35% of your waking hours in close quarters with a group of people, they earn the title of friend.

Besties...  These ladies show up when I need them. Plain and simple.  They listen to me.  They fuss at me.  They put up with my eyerolling and attitude. They refer to me by my full name.  When I call and can't get any words to come out of my mouth, they drop what they are doing and appear.  I don't know where I would be without you ladies!

Life gives you ups and downs.  It also gives you friends.  Embrace them with your heart and soul.   They will help you hold on to this roller coaster we call life.